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How to Create Great Website Content


How to Create Great Website Content

Greg Macdonald - LWDA Team Member


Managing Director


PUBLISHED:August 30, 2023

UPDATED:September 15, 2023

These days, businesses invest thousands in building new websites for their brands. This is because consumers need a lot of convincing before buying goods or services online. Social media can help drive awareness, but if you don’t have great website content that resonates with your target users when they arrive, the chances are that your investments will fail.

Engaging your audience with great website content should involve relevant information about your brand, products or services, your story (history), and your goal in the industry (mission statement).

To grow your online presence and get more customers, you need to invest time and effort into creating great SEO-optimised content. Here’s how…

Set goals for your content creation

1. Set goals for your content creation

Having clear goals in mind is absolutely pivotal when it comes to crafting compelling website content. Think of these goals as the guiding stars that help you navigate the vast sea of possibilities that content creation offers. Here’s why they are so crucial:

  1. Direction and Focus: Goals provide a sense of direction and purpose. They give you a focal point to concentrate your efforts on, ensuring that every piece of content you create aligns with your overarching objectives. Without goals, you might end up with a mishmash of content that lacks coherence.
  2. Measurable Progress: Well-defined goals are measurable. They enable you to track your progress and gauge the effectiveness of your content strategy. By analyzing metrics like engagement rates, conversion rates, and time on page, you can ascertain if you’re hitting your milestones.
  3. Consistency: When you have set goals, it becomes easier to maintain consistency in your content creation. Consistency is vital for building brand identity and establishing a loyal readership or customer base. Knowing your goals ensures that your content remains aligned with your brand’s voice and values.
  4. Effective Call to Action (CTA): Goals influence your call to action. Depending on your objectives, your CTAs might encourage readers to subscribe, buy, share, or learn more. When you’re clear about your goals, your CTAs become more persuasive and relevant, driving the desired user actions.
  5. Efficient Resource Allocation: Resources like time, effort, and budget are finite. With well-defined goals, you can allocate these resources more efficiently. Instead of dispersing your efforts across a variety of content types, you can focus on creating content that directly supports your objectives.
  6. Adaptability and Improvement: Goals allow you to adapt and refine your content strategy over time. If you find that your content isn’t aligning with your goals or yielding the desired outcomes, you can adjust your approach based on insights and lessons learned.

In essence, having set goals acts as a compass that helps you navigate the intricate landscape of content creation.

We often refer to these goals as a Content Strategy, which provides purpose, clarity, and a framework for generating content that resonates with your audience and drives meaningful results.

Top Tip: Don’t try to grow your business on multiple fronts at the same time which risks spreading your resources too thin. Focus on one goal at a time and measure the result of your efforts before moving on to the next goal.

Know your target audience

2. Know your target audience

Understanding your target audience is an essential foundation for creating outstanding website content. Think of your audience as the compass that guides your content creation journey. Here’s why knowing your target audience is absolutely crucial:

  1. Relevance and Resonance: When you know your audience well, you can create content that resonates with their needs, interests, and challenges. This relevancy establishes a strong connection, making your content more compelling and valuable to them.
  2. Addressing Pain Points: A deep understanding of your audience allows you to identify their pain points and concerns. You can then tailor your content to address these issues, positioning your website as a helpful resource and building trust with your visitors.
  3. Language and Tone: Knowing your audience helps you use the right language, tone, and style in your content. Whether it’s formal, casual, technical, or friendly, speaking your audience’s language enhances the relatability of your content.
  4. Tailored Solutions: Content that provides solutions specific to your audience’s problems is incredibly valuable. With audience insights, you can create guides, tutorials, or how-to articles that directly address their needs, positioning your website as an authority in your niche.
  5. Engagement and Interaction: Understanding what captivates your audience allows you to craft content that engages them. This might involve using storytelling, interactive elements, or multimedia to keep them hooked and encourage longer interactions with your site.
  6. Personalization: Personalized content speaks directly to the individual needs of your audience members. By knowing their preferences and behaviours, you can offer recommendations, suggestions, or content tailored to their unique interests.
  7. Empathy and Trust: Content that shows you understand your audience fosters empathy. When your audience feels understood, they’re more likely to trust your recommendations and view your website as a reliable source of information.

In summary, knowing your target audience is the cornerstone of creating website content that genuinely resonates and drives results. It transforms your content from generic to personalized, from detached to engaging, and from arbitrary to purposeful. By centring your content around your audience, you’re setting the stage for a meaningful and mutually beneficial relationship.

Top Tip: Consider social listening by reading people’s comments and reviews they leave on competitors’ social media pages and websites. You can also look for keywords or phrases related to your products and services, which will give you insight into what your target audience searches for on Google.

Provide value in your content

3. Provide value in your content

Offering genuine value through your website content is the linchpin for nurturing both brand growth and audience expansion. It’s like sowing seeds of credibility and trust that bear the fruit of loyal followers and an expanding reputation. Here’s why providing true value is absolutely pivotal:

  1. Establishing Authority: Valuable content positions you as an authority in your field. When your audience consistently finds answers, insights, and solutions in your content, they begin to perceive your brand as a knowledgeable and trustworthy source.
  2. Building Trust: Trust is the bedrock of any successful brand. Value-rich content demonstrates your commitment to helping and educating your audience, fostering a sense of trust that keeps them coming back for more.
  3. Fostering Loyalty: Valuable content sparks engagement. When your audience gains value from your content, they’re more likely to engage with it by sharing, commenting, and revisiting. This sustained engagement fosters a loyal community around your brand.
  4. Word-of-Mouth Marketing: People naturally share content that brings them value. When your content genuinely helps or informs your audience, they become advocates who voluntarily spread the word about your brand, driving organic growth.
  5. Search Engine Visibility: Search engines prioritize valuable, informative content. When your content adds real value to users’ lives, search engines are more likely to rank it higher, leading to increased organic traffic and visibility.
  6. Solving Problems: Value-focused content directly addresses your audience’s problems and questions. By consistently providing solutions, you’re not only helping them but also positioning your brand as an indispensable resource.
  7. Differentiation: In a sea of content, true value sets you apart. When your content stands out as genuinely helpful and insightful, you’re distinguishing your brand from competitors and making a lasting impression.
  8. Audience Growth: People gravitate toward brands that consistently offer something of value. As your content gains reputation and recognition, you naturally attract a broader audience seeking the insights you provide.
  9. Long-Term Relationships: Valuable content initiates long-term relationships. When your audience consistently finds value in your content, they’re more likely to remain engaged over time, contributing to sustained growth.
  10. Monetization Opportunities: Valuable content forms the basis for monetization strategies. Whether it’s through affiliate marketing, sponsored content, or your own products and services, an engaged and value-seeking audience is more likely to convert.
  11. Positive Brand Perception: Providing value enhances how your brand is perceived. It conveys a genuine interest in your audience’s well-being, which leads to positive associations and a stronger brand image.

In essence, delivering authentic value through your website content is the nucleus of a successful brand growth trajectory. It isn’t just about producing content; it’s about becoming an indispensable resource that your audience relies on and trusts. This foundation of value nurtures a symbiotic relationship where your brand flourishes as your audience grows, creating a cycle of mutual benefit.

Top Tip: If you haven’t got the resources internally to create your content and you’re selling software-as-a-service, reach out to a company offering SaaS content writing services. They’ll write compelling blogs about your products for you!

Use visual aids to your advantage

4. Use visual aids to your advantage

Incorporating visual aids into your website content should be an integral part of your content strategy due to the immense benefits they offer. Visual aids are like vibrant brushstrokes that paint a more captivating and engaging picture for your audience. Here’s why they are essential:

  1. Enhanced Understanding: Visual aids, such as high-quality stock images, diagrams, charts, and infographics, can simplify complex concepts. They provide a visual representation that makes it easier for your audience to grasp and understand the information you’re conveying.
  2. Increased Engagement: Visual content is inherently more engaging. It breaks up the monotony of text, capturing and holding the reader’s attention. This enhanced engagement leads to longer time spent on your website and a lower bounce rate.
  3. Memorability: People remember visuals better than text. When you incorporate visuals that complement your content, your audience is more likely to retain and recall the information over time.
  4. Universal Appeal: Visual aids transcend language barriers. They can convey information without relying solely on written words, making your content accessible to a broader audience, including those who might not be proficient in the language you’re using.
  5. Emotional Impact: Visuals have the power to evoke emotions. An impactful image can convey feelings and experiences that words alone might struggle to express. This emotional connection fosters a deeper connection with your audience.
  6. Storytelling: Visuals can enhance your storytelling. Whether it’s using images to illustrate anecdotes or creating visual narratives, they add an extra layer of depth to the stories you’re sharing.
  7. SEO Benefits: Visual content can improve your website’s SEO. Search engines consider factors like alt text, image titles, and user engagement with visuals, contributing to higher rankings.
  8. Social Media Amplification: Visuals are highly shareable on social media platforms. They grab attention in news feeds and encourage users to share your content, leading to increased visibility and potential viral reach.
  9. Brand Consistency: Visual aids can incorporate your brand elements like colours, logos, and fonts. This ensures a consistent brand identity across different types of content, reinforcing brand recognition.
  10. Diverse Content Types: Visual aids expand your content horizons. You can create videos, slideshows, animations, and more to cater to various learning preferences and consumption habits of your audience.
  11. Mobile-Friendly Experience: Visual content translates well to mobile devices, where screen real estate is limited. This is important as more users access content via smartphones and tablets.
  12. Data Visualization: Visual aids are excellent for presenting data. Charts and graphs can make data more digestible and accessible, allowing your audience to quickly understand trends and insights.
  13. Call to Action (CTA) Emphasis: Visuals can draw attention to your CTAs. By strategically placing visuals near CTAs, you guide users toward the desired actions you want them to take.

Incorporating visual aids into your content strategy isn’t just about adding decorations; it’s about enriching the experience for your audience. A thoughtful integration of visuals can elevate your content, making it more compelling, understandable, and memorable. Whether you’re aiming to educate, entertain, or persuade, visual aids are a powerful tool to enhance your communication and achieve your content goals.

Top Tip: Video content is now known to improve website ranking, so if you have the resources, invest in some great video content for your brand. You could ask customers if they would be happy to be featured in reviews or testimonials, or you could produce some insightful and entertaining ‘talking head’ style videos featuring your team members. Just make sure that you put them all on YouTube and optimise their listings to help boost your SEO.

Creating great website content: Conclusion

Crafting exceptional website content is a strategic art that involves a range of elements. Setting clear goals serves as a compass, guiding content creation towards meaningful outcomes. Understanding the target audience is pivotal, allowing content to resonate with their needs and preferences. However, true value is the foundation — it establishes brand credibility and trust, nurturing loyalty and growth. Moreover, incorporating visual aids enriches content, enhancing engagement and comprehension. These components form a synergistic approach, ensuring content not only captivates but also delivers lasting impact, fostering a loyal audience and reinforcing brand authenticity.

Great Website Content: Additional reading

We hope you found this piece on how to create great and seo-optimised content interesting and of value. If so, you may also like to read the following related articles:

  1. The Pros & Cons of Using ChatGPT to Write Content for Your Website
  2. 6 Steps to Scale & Manage Specialist Content Creation for Niche Industries
  3. How to get more website traffic by refreshing old content

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