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Gotham Noting Hill Website Design by LWDA, London

Case Study

Gotham Notting Hill

Contemporary online furniture store for B2B interior design consultants.


Who are Gotham?

Gotham Notting Hill is a prominent player in the interior design industry and is known for its stylish and high-end furniture. For over 20 years, Gotham has served the Notting Hill area, operating a showroom on Westbourne Park Road. Initially focused on direct-to-consumer sales, the company has recently pivoted towards catering to high-end interior designers. This shift in focus necessitated a complete overhaul of their digital presence to better align with their new business objectives.

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Project Goals & Objectives

Gotham Notting Hill’s primary goal was to pivot its business model from consumer-focused to designer-centric. The company aimed to create an online platform that would attract and serve high-end interior designers, offering them the tools to manage and showcase bespoke projects. Specific objectives included:

  • Building a new website from scratch to replace the gradually updated site from the past 20 years.
  • Creating a platform that allows interior designers to select, manage, and share projects with their clients for approval.
  • Ensuring the new website reflected Gotham’s stylish brand and minimalist aesthetic, letting the products take centre stage.


Strategy & Approach

To achieve these goals, we adopted a strategy that emphasized a clean slate approach. We leveraged WordPress due to its flexibility and robust capabilities, which were essential for creating a custom-tailored platform. Key components of our strategy included:

  • Developing a user-friendly, minimalist website that aligns with the stylish nature of the interior design industry.
  • Implementing features that enable interior designers to create, manage, and share projects with their clients.
  • Focusing on a design that highlights Gotham’s products, ensuring they are the focal point of the website.


Implementation & Execution

The implementation phase involved several key steps:

  1. Design and Development: We created a minimalist, stylish website on WordPress, ensuring a sleek user interface that resonates with high-end interior designers. The design focused on simplicity and elegance, allowing the products to shine.
  2. Custom Project Management Tools: We developed bespoke project management features that enable designers to select products, create projects, and share them with their clients for approval. This functionality was crucial in meeting the needs of Gotham’s new target audience.
  3. E-commerce Integration: The website was equipped with e-commerce capabilities, facilitating the sale of products directly through the platform. This feature supports Gotham’s online business focus, ensuring a seamless purchasing experience for designers.
  4. Responsive Design: Ensuring the website is fully responsive was a priority, providing an optimal viewing experience across all devices, which is essential for professionals who are often on the go.

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Gotham Notting Hill Mobile Web Design


As the website has just launched, we are in the early stages of gathering results. However, initial feedback from the client has been overwhelmingly positive. Gotham Notting Hill is thrilled with the new website, which perfectly aligns with their vision and business objectives. The client appreciates the stylish design and the functional project management tools, expressing confidence that the new platform will effectively support their pivot towards serving interior designers.



The transformation of Gotham Notting Hill’s digital presence marks a significant milestone in their business journey. By creating a minimalist, stylish, and functional website tailored to the needs of high-end interior designers, we have provided Gotham with a powerful tool to support their new business direction.

While it is too early to quantify the results, the positive client feedback and the website’s alignment with business objectives underscore the success of the project. As Gotham Notting Hill continues to leverage its new platform, we anticipate strong growth and enhanced engagement with their target audience.

This case study highlights the importance of a tailored digital strategy and the impact of a well-executed website redesign in achieving business transformation.


Looking to reposition or relaunch your eCommerce business?

If you need a new website to relaunch your eCommerce business, drop us a line and we’ll discuss your requirements in more detail. We’ll help you find the right solution that delivers the results you need.